Teaching Philosophy

I wanted to become a teacher for a number of reasons. The first reason is because my family is pretty much made up of teachers and I would like to carry that on. I have grown up with grandparents as teachers, aunts and uncles as teachers, and my mother is a teacher. I have been the teacher setting and atmosphere my whole life. When I was little, I would always go with my family to their classrooms and I felt like that was my home. It felt right to me. As I was in high school, I was able to take classes that allowed me to be in the elementary classrooms. I found that to be so fulfilling. I got to catch a glimpse of what it was going to be like in my future. Another reason is that I want to help those struggling, undercooked at students feel like they can succeed. I don't want them to think that they will go nowhere in life. 

When I become a teacher, I want to create a safe learning environment for my students. One in which they feel like they can succeed at anything they put their  minds to. I want to show them new ways of thinking and solving problems. I also want to teach them that there are multiple solutions to a problem. I want to be able to teach them that everyone thinks and learns different and every one is unique. I think the biggest thing I want to establish is good classroom management. With the classes I have taken this semester, along with the ones I will take in the future, I have seen some really good ideas as to how I can do this. I don't know quite what grade I would like to teach yet or where I would like to teach, but that will probably just have to be where I can get a job the first few years. I am very excited for my future and what it holds. 
